Wednesday, April 29, 2009

CIS Billing

Billing systems are as often as not these days called “CIS Billing” - meaning Customer Information System. A CIS sytem will have customer records that keep a history of contact with a customer (calls, correspondence, e-mail), their credit data such as credit rating or deposits, and theft and tampering history (for utilities). Other data could be as extensive as preferred language, banking data for direct debit, even preferred bill format and preferred bill delivery method, such as via e-mail rather than standard mail. Corporate customers may have extensive data relating to headquarters and branch locations, linked accounts or premises, and company representatives.

A Customer is not necessarily a person or business who receives regular bills. They may be someone who is an irregular contact. Nevertheless the CIS Billing system should retain their data for use when required.

From Customer Management Fact Sheet which can be found at Public Sector Billing.

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