Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Account Enquiries

A well-designed summary enquiry screen makes the job of the call center operator easier and increases throughput. The summary screen should provide at-a-glance information that will answer 80% of standard call center enquiries such as the due date for the current bill, whether a payment has been received, the next date a bill will be sent (based on a meter reading or an installment), or (via a graph) the consumption pattern on a utility bill. It should also provide via drill-down access to supporting detail. Where values have changed over time (property value or metered consumption) an enquiry at the line level of the bill should show how the charge was calculated.

From the summary page a list of hot links should give the user access to their most common actions. That is, a list of common actions should be able to be tailored by each operator. As well their should be access to the knowledge base of answers to frequently asked questions.

From Account Enquiries Fact Sheet which can be found at Public Sector Billing.

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