Sunday, May 24, 2009

Business Tax Protests

Thousands of businesses are fighting Bernalillo County because the owners said their new property values are outrageous. Some business owners worry about what they're calling devastating effects. "I'm very angry," said John Gustafson, the owner of Broken Arrow Electric in southeast Albuquerque. He couldn't believe his most recent property value assessment. It's 30 percent higher than last year. "I panicked because I know what it means," he said.

It means he could have to pay thousands of extra dollars on taxes, which is money he can't spare in the sluggish economy. "Hopefully that means we won't have to lay off more workers," he said. Gustafson filed an appeal and according to the assessor's office, 9,000 businesses in Bernalillo County have done the same thing. Officials admit it’s far more than what they're used to seeing. "Nobody thinks its right because it isn't right," Gustafson said.

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