Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Feel my anger

In Florida the city of Cape Coral recently sent out letters to about 60,000 property owners, letting people know what they would have to pay for city utility expansions. In nine years, Cape Coral City Councilman Tim Day said he has never seen so many angry e-mails in response.

“It’s going to be a challenge to stay the course,” said Day, the longest-serving member of the city council. “I’m expecting extreme turmoil on June 30 (the first public hearing on UEP).”

Cape Coral officials this fall plan to start work on a three-year project to deliver city utilities to half of the city. The cost of that project will get passed on to property owners as special assessments and fees. Property owners have more deferral and financing options than in the past, but many are still upset.

The city is planning to install water, sewer and irrigation lines to about 6,200 properties in the Southwest 6-7 assessment area and potable water lines to more than 50,000 properties in the north Cape. Property owners will be charged a special assessment to pay for the pipes and a capital expansion charge to help offset the cost of new water and sewer treatment facilities.

Some water billing software provides for financing options to be billed to utility customers.

1 comment:

  1. * Why should a 9.5 acre parcel owned by 1 person be assessed $ 88,000.00 for a water line.
    * If the assessment is going to cost more then the owner could even sell the property for, why should the owner end up on the short end.
    * There is something very wrong with a formula that supplies this kind of outcome.
    * And how will it get paid for if all you do is drive people out of the Cape because they can't afford the constantly increasing tax load (no matter what you call it ) and they go broke trying to live in the Cape.
    * And on top of this, the council wants to add a utilities tax on electric; phone; cable TV; etc.
    * Very soon it's going to be Cape Empty, the only ones left will be the "spend more Tax-payers Money" members of the council. Wonder if they're ready to pick up the tab for everyone.
